Monday, April 21, 2008

Keep the Love Alive

Apparently we’re not the only ones trying to keep the love alive! The people at Cosmopolitan want to teach you how to stay hot for each other, too. It’s said that at a certain point in relationships you reach a lull – things get boring and you lack the luster that was once there. I believe that if you and your partner make the effort to try new things, the fire you share will never fizzle. "Uncertainty is the very thing that fuels the initial interest and strong desire," says licensed marriage and family therapist Esther Perel, author of Mating in Captivity. "The paradox is that long-term couples tend to give in to being predictable, which causes the relationship to become stale." In addition to the many tips shared on, check out what Cosmo has to say that might help you and yours turn up the heat!

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