Thursday, July 31, 2008

Guys Prone to Grudges?

The secret to any solid relationship is enjoying the good times and forgiving and forgetting the not-so-good times. But, according to SELF Magazine and the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, moving past the tough spots could be easier for you than for your man.

Experts believe that how each gender handles conflict and resolution may be due to the different ways men and women are typically raised.

For example, women are often raised to be more empathetic then men, finding it easier to forgive and forget. Remember that in order to come out of an argument with your relationship still intact, or better yet, even stronger than before, he may need a little more time to come around. The experts recommend talking things out rationally and working toward a solution to spark your man’s sensitive and forgiving nature.

I have to wonder though, as a woman, there have been many times when it seems like I'm the one internalizing the fight while the conflict rolls off my partner's back. Am I crazy or does common sense lead you to believe the exact opposite of the expert's findings? Tell us what you think.

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