Think love letters are a thing of the past?
For U.S. Army Pvt. Mark Goodwin, they are a very big part of his present day.
Goodwin and fiance Jillian De Voe of Mount Holly, North Carolina exchange letters as often as possible - sometimes it takes awhile, though, as Goodwin is stationed in Afghanistan.
Check out this real life romance from the Gaston Gazette and maybe use it as a source of inspiration. Whether your honey is oversees or over on the other side of the bed, writing notes of love regularly will help keep your love alive. Notes in lunch boxes or under the pillow will send the heart a flutter!

i dont think the love letters lost their's just that there are so many variation these days..infact, they are more honest, as straighforward as saying "honey, i would want pink baby clothes when we have a baby" even if they dont have a baby yet
When we got married someone gave us a "love book". It was custome made with neat pictures and magazine clippings about love that had been glued on cardboard to make the cover. Inside was a ton of blank pages. the idea was for one person to have the book, write something nice, and then hide the book for the other to find. It's always a nice treat to find that book somewhere with a sweet note from my love.
7 years later we don't do it as often *have kids*, but we still love finding that thing and brigning it back from time to time
i never thought that our love story would get such wide coverage but i must say i am truly happy and bless that it has. i have heard from people and how it has touched their hearts. but to me its just the love we share i dont see it as any different than any one else's. but trust me love letters do so much. right now i am awaiting Mark's return to the states and every day i get more and more excited. it has come to the point where i cant even right a letter because the feelings i am having are over flowing from me. but i have started writing poems again and i know that when we are face to face once i shall read them to him so he can see and hear the love i have for him. if any one would ever like to talk please feel free to e mail me. i love talking to people it helps pass the time till he comes home. my e mail address is
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