Or that 63% of women and 49% of men are just too tired to tango with their significant other?
Or that parents' #1 sneak away spot to get it on is the bathroom!
AreYouRomantic.com's newest poll, "Romance & Parenting" discovers most parents want more romance, but just are too tired to get it!
Check out the full report on the poll's findings and find out just how much children affect the romance equation.
Also, for all you romance-seeking parents out there, check out our latest tips for putting the romance back into your couple hood after kids.
Here's a preview:
- Rub a Dub Dub: Wake up extra early in the morning (before the kids) and take a shower together. You'll get to spend some steamy private time with your partner and still be on schedule to get your kids up, dressed, fed and off to school.

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