Kate Hudson and Yankee bad boy Alex Rodriguez have had their alleged relationship splashed all over magazines and entertainment news recently. With her attending his baseball games and going to his apartment with her son Ryder, it seems that this romantic bond has sprouted into a full bloomed relationship.
But wasn’t it just yesterday that Kate Hudson was biking around with Mr. Tour de France himself, Lance Armstrong? And who could forget her ping pong relationship with funny man Owen Wilson? A-Rod also has had his fair share of quickie and fast paced relationships since he and his wife separated late 2008. From Real Housewives star Bethany Frankel, to the Queen of Pop Madonna, Mr. Rodriguez has certainly juiced up his love life since becoming a free agent of love. This feisty pair together makes a true statement about serial dating!
Loverville.com examines the pros and cons of serial dating, noting while it can definitely boost your ego and give you a plethora of romantic opportunities, it could be a negative lifestyle habit. It’s not always easy remembering which person said what, or to have to share your life’s story over and over again on each date.
Now, we’ll just have to see where these serious serials take it from here!

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