You’ve probably seen the Mel Gibson favorite “What Women Want.” However, I’d like to know what men want! Rabbi Shmuley, a frequent guest on Oprah, says “the idea that men are animal-like and ruled by their hormones and only want to sow their wild oats is not true.” Instead, he says “men are far more sensitive than most women realize.” Rabbi Shmuley recently shared with Oprah several things that may surprise women about men:
- Men are intimacy seekers and wish to share their deepest selves with a woman.
- Men enjoy independent-minded women. Women who are too compliant begin to bore them.
- Confident women are a big turn-on to a man. The ones whom he can manipulate are the ones he looks to use but not be in a relationship with.
- Men respect women who are not materialistic and who like them for who they are rather than what they do.
- Most men are insecure and spend their lives trying to prove themselves.
- Men like women who make them feel good about themselves.
- Men don't find it easy to share emotions. They need to be cajoled into talking about their feelings, and this usually happens when they feel like they are not being judged.
Who knew--we’re more alike than we than we thought!
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