Tuesday, April 1, 2008

To Call or Not to Call?

I never really understood the disconnect (pardon the pun!) between men, women and their respective telephones. As women, the general understanding is that if we’d like to talk to you or we want to see what you’re up to, we call. We don’t need to have any real reason to pick up the phone. The male persuasion, on the other hand, tend to call their friends only if they have a specific point to discuss. My confusion: a.) When did we (as girlfriends, wives and fiancĂ©es) start to fall under the “friend” classification? and b.) When did they start to think that their business-only communications strategy applied to us, too?

Granted, we sometimes...scratch that...often go on and on about nothing at all for hours on end, so I certainly respect the self control of our male counterparts. We may, in fact need to take a lesson from them and learn when to cut our ramblings off. (But hey, no harm, no foul, right?)

Men: so maybe long chats on the phone aren’t your thing. A simple text message in the middle of the day saying you’re thinking of me or that you are looking forward to seeing me later would be just as good! The truth is, we love talking to you, even if it’s about nothing at all. Just knowing you like hearing our voice and that you care enough to stay up-to-date on what’s going on in our lives means more to us then you’ll ever know.

Not to diminish the feminine mystique, but women don’t always need marathon phone calls, emails or texts to let us know that you care. A little acknowledgment goes a long way. Finding a way to open the lines of communication—whether through long calls or short and sweet messages—will help keep you and partner on the same wavelength.

1 comment:

Lucky7Jane said...

I love this posting! It's so true! Guys think we're crazy when we just call to call, but it's more then just sharing with them something that happened during the day or to share random bits information; I think it's about just being able to talk and open up to your guy. But I agree, even just little texts or an email, or of course a phone call are great to get from a guy! I know that a text message from my boyfriend during a long day just to say hi or to say some sweet makes me smile!! :)